Rogan is a form of textile painting which uses a rich, brightly coloured paint made from castor oil and natural colors. The term Rogan means ‘Oil-based’ in Persian and refers to the thick substance formed by heating and then casting castor oil in cold water. The making of the Rogan paste is done in the jungle where the artisans mix oil and natural color. After it is mixed with natural colours, the paste is drawn out into a fine ‘thread’ with a metal stylus or ‘Kalam’. The artisans then place a small amount of this paint paste into their palm and at body temperature, the paint is carefully twisted across the cloth into motifs and patterns using the ‘Kalam’. Next, the artisan folds the fabric thereby printing its mirror image. The finer details are then added thus completing the Rogan painting.
“Today, when the name of Rogan art comes, then the design of Tree of Life is famous in the world, but Abdul Gafur Khatri ji and his younger brother Sumar Daud Khatri, who invented this "Tree of Life" design.”